A kickasss Life, One Kick at a time!

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Thats right. The last lab session in this long drawn out college life has ended and its the same old story.. Zero to output in < 45 minutes! Its been a long standing tradition, and i wanted to keep it that away!And I'm sure glad i did..Being able to figure out stuff, and ace in things practical is one of the things I'm proud of .Every lab exam till date, I've come out within the hour (remember these are three hour lab exams ) most people might manage this for SOME labs, but I'm talking about all of them..be they laughably easy or forbiddingly hard, I've come out of labs faster and less unscathed more than most!(and With top marks i might add !) My passing the theory papers is a matter of probability, but i can say with certainty, this lab has been finished! Now for the Course viva... the man to be faced is apparently the Barton Hill college E&C HOD..We've locked horns before(during a project presentation at CET... would you believe the guy wanted the volume control to reset itself when you removed your hand?!!!!!!) Anyway, I have tons of back papers to clear... but there are these little things in life which make a geek feel that his life is indeed , worthwhile:)

3 Responses to “PWNED!!!!!!!!!”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 


  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Let me see what I can do. >:)

    Been on the same track since 2003.

    U could have posted that u topped in Mup lab last time. I was just 2 marks behind u. >:P

  3. Anonymous Anonymous 

    My labs have been megaserials... :P
    Who else would have sat for 5 hours straight (UPS issues were there though)???
    But today's viva was a kickass cameo...10 minutes of asskicking and I was out all smug! :->

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