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some darned cute animals!

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11 Responses to “some darned cute animals!”

  1. Blogger Janice D'Sa 

    Awww.. They are sooooo cuuuuuute! :D

  2. Blogger nryn 

    Doggy looks cute!
    Does he bite? :-P

  3. Anonymous Anonymous 

    oh my oh my God!!!!!
    thank u very much, kickie-chan(^o^)/
    the dog looks like a stuffed animal. damn cuteeeee...

  4. Blogger aravind 

    Ahem ahem. :D.
    You into pets eh :P.

  5. Blogger Sujith 

    nice kitties urrff puppies urrff kippies urff patties! :p

    btw ninakkenne auction cheyyanam alle. ingu pore kaanichu tharam!

  6. Blogger Thanu 

    KV Pattom

  7. Blogger Love you longtime! 

    Nice doggies. Hoep they don't bite!

    *runs away*

  8. Blogger Urvashi 

    Oh my God! The creepy cat is back!! The dog loks cute tho'.

  9. Blogger La Louve 

    does the cat have a black moustache!!! they are both super cute....

  10. Blogger another illusion 

    very cute!!

  11. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Dude...thats my dog. Where'd you steal the pic from?

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