The end of an era
Published Tuesday, February 07, 2006 by kickassso | E-mail this post 
Tomorrow, I leave for Delhi to try my luck with the IIT Delhi MBA admissions. As I look back, I can’t but notice that this is, in some ways, what I never wanted to happen, and in another way, what I always wanted to be. Its odd how to different things can work towards the same end result, and I’m a victim of that…
Once upon a time, when I was a wide eyed school student, I once opened up my stereo and found a huge range of circuitry which then amazed me. I was resolute. I would take up electronics at college. At that point, everyone was saying IT was the big thing at that time, and I said electronics would do quite well for me. Then entrance came, and I found myself amidst a flood of prospective engineers, all of whom apparently wanted electronics. CET was the obvious choice, and I worked hard. Apparently I couldn’t make it to CET Electronics. Though I had a choice of any other branch there, Electronics It had to be, After all, I had to make the coolest music systems around didn’t I?
SCT, initially though I was a bit sad about it, seemed a better chance day after day. By some point in the 5th semester; I was positively content with SCT. Following the debacle at dyuthi, I’m positively ecstatic; after all, living in SCT has given me access to a slice of life like no other.After all, it has made me a better human being!
Still, I was under the stranglehold of a system of education which encourages people to learn for exams, not learning’s sake. The result is a class full of people who can write page length essays on, say op amps, but wouldn’t have the foggiest Idea of one even if it hit them in the face! This sorry state of events led me to neglect my “academic studies” more and more, and more in pursuit of knowledge. There’s a pink Floyd song that goes,” we don’t need no education”. At some point, when education is irrelevant, and when one knows better, it seems pointless. For example, I wanted to know about op amps in third SEM, and not a single lecturer had the time to spare to clear my doubt.” only in fourth sem”, they all chorused. At that point, I gave up on studying, and decided to learn the trade myself.
And now, I feel I have accomplished what I set out to do over four years ago, I have made music systems, I have the coolest one around, and I AM making an even cooler one now! Whatever is being taught now seems totally irrelevant and useless to me. Biomedical, computer networks……. The list is mind numbing. And to top it all of, I’m currently placed in an IT co. ironically, the they seemed to favor electronics students, and all the electronics students seemed happy to get IT jobs, while the it students found them selves worse off. I don’t blame my fellows, getting a job in electronics is hard enough. Many don’t make it into even a software job….
And then comes along inDSP. The company which I thought would be my salvation. Its jobs spanning all the areas of electronics in which I was interested in. I was the one who mailed our CGPU the details of the co, the one who ran after the cgpu head asking when inDSP would come….finally inDSP is coming tomorrow, and I’m not going for it.
It’s not because it is not all that I ever dreamed of. It’s because the me who dreamed of a career in tech doesn’t exist anymore. That part of my mind has been numbed by the dreary routine of studying in this dreadful hellhole called KU.I positively couldn’t stand the thought of two more years of THIS in the name of post graduation. If I can’t study something without appreciating it, its better I not study it at all. I learnt that at an early age.
In 10th standard, I was really good at math. And then 12th came along, and almost all my classmates switched to a new tuition’s all my best friends were going there, so did I... never knew I was making the worst mistake of my life. SHE was horrible. Many words come to me when I think of words to describe her, but some things are better left unsaid. she’s the sole reason I began to hate math .I beat a quick retreat to good old Alex sir(god bless him) I was back where I should have always been, but by then, the damage was already done.
Either way, my sister is preparing for her entrance exams. I wonder where fate will find her four years down the line. I just hope she doesn’t fall victim to fate….
Man proposes, god disposes.....
call it a twist of fate.
the world loses a would be Audio Elctronics Engineer.
Good luck iN delhi and hope all ur dreams come true
Good luck man..having seen u and ur obsessions from 12th..having gone through several of ur audio magazines(sorry i spoiled that one of urs)..i really wish u fulfill all that u set out for..coz u are darned good at whatever u do..Do well IN DELHI,MATE
hey man...i wish tht u be happy, be it in ne field.
All the best whatever u do...
U'll find content and ecstacy in the end...
God bless you
What can I say ,
ROCK as usual muhahaha :D.
And be online wherever you go :P. I know I dont need to tell you this still :D.
Good luck! Enjoi delhi too :) it'll be so cool there at this time of the year...
could connect a lot to the part about studying just to pass some exams. i feel so bad and guilty when someone mentions anything related to physics and i feel like a dumb, cos though the exams went well, i learnt nothing out of it. hate it now.
also true how a teacher has a major role to play in creating an interest in a subject. wish them people were more choosy when selecting a teacher...
we don’t need no education means we need education! right?(^o^)/
have a great trip to Delhi, kickie-chan!!!!
we dont need no ejjukyation
we dont need no thot ctrl
wow..touching!..share ur thoughts on a lotta things..guess fate has better things in store for u..ur dream will definitely come true..:)
Oh yeah.. everyone feels if Pink Floyd wrote the song for them... and yes the song describes the sorry state of education today!
All the best!