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Got this from Rockus and Divs Seemed kinda interesting, so here goes!
1. Were you named after anyone?
Yeah. My Dad and grandpa!Augustine + Nestor = guess what :P
2. Do you wish on stars?
Sometimes... especially if that star is a hot bollywood chick!
3. When did you last cry?
Millenium man... the end was too damn sad!
4. Do you like your handwriting?
NO, not one bit, i believe its the sole cause of me VERY bad marks :(
5. What is your favourite meat?
Er, paneer? i really dont like any kinda meat. I was at a poultry farm the other day, and after seeing what i saw, i doubt if anyone would eat chicken!
6. What is your most embarrassing CD on your shelf?
Er, those two DVD coasters which came out as a result of duttan trying to multitask while DVD writing... I need more RAM!
7. If you were another person, would YOU be friends with you?
I seriously doubt it .I hate people who are like me in every way, unless its a she ;)
8. Are you a daredevil ?
LOL no... the most daring thing I've ever done was travel on footboard
9. How do you release anger?
sit calmly, and blast the living daylights out of my neighbours!
10. Where is your second home?
11. Do you trust others easily?
I don't trust anybody...most of the time!
12. What was your favourite toy(s) as a child?
Anything electrical/mechanical!, not to play with them, but to take them apart! thankfully, by the time i was older , i had learned to put them back together as well!:D
13. What class in school/college do you think is totally useless?
social studies(history+ geography) cant think of one way in which it has helped me , except maybe increase my hate of mugging
14. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Nah! the ones who deserve my sarcasm wouldnt get it!
15. Have you ever been in a mosh pit?
Erm no! those kind of social events ,I avoid
16. What do you look for in a girl?
Read all about it here ! here .
17. Would you bungee jump?
HELL NO! I dont have any brown pants!
18. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?
No...they're exactly the right amount of loose :P
19.What is your favourite ice cream?
Mint + dark chocolate i once ate at baskin robbins. Otherwise, butterscotch is quite fine !
20. What are your favourite colours?
Greay, blue and black, and red sometimes
21. What are your least favourite things?
Loads....mass produced films fim music, serials , pretty much being conventional
22. How many people do you have a crush on right now?
None TY! I've learnt the hard way that there is no good end to a crush, so keep off them like the plague
23. Who do you miss most right now?
Frantic and Poison... I miss them like hell :(
24. What are you listening to right now?
Maria Elena
I love this song...I've got this song in several versions , sung by different people in different languages!
Tuyo es mi corazón
Oh sol de mi querer
Mujer de mi ilusión
Mi amor te con sagré
Mi vida da la embellece una esperanza azul
Mi vida tiene un cielo que le diste tu
Tuyo es mi corazón
Oh sol de mi querer
Tuyo es todo mi ser tuyo es mujer
Yo todo el corazón te lo entregué
Eres mi fé, eres mi Dios, eres mi amor

and in English
Maria Elena
You're the answer to a prayer
Maria Elena
Can't you see how much I care?
To me your voice is like the echo of a sigh
And when you're near my heart can't speak above a sigh

Maria Elena
Say that we will never part
Maria Elena
Take me to your heart
A love like mine is great enough for two
To share this love is really all I ask of you

25. If you were a crayon, what colour would you be?
definetly NOT red... its the one that gets finished the first:D
26. What is the weather like right now?
Slightly rainy, but not damp... I like it like this, good to curl up with my bed with a novel in hand
27. Last person you talked to on the phone?
28. The "first" thing you notice about the opposite sex?
What i feel like when i notice someone,Call it a gut instinct
29. Do you like the person who sent you this?
I got this from two pple , and ive seen Rockus once, and we didnt even know each other properly then! Divs, well, we've known each other for sligtly longer ,yups good friend she is :)
30. How are you today?
My hands are achy from grabbing an ancient M80... two wheeler driving lessons !
31. Favourite non alcoholic drink?
Hmm... LIME SODA! I literally live on that stuff! now that colas are banned, lets see all those cola drinkers turn healthy!
32. Favourite alcoholic drink?
Wine , home made
33. Natural hair colour?
34. Eye colour?
Dark brown
35. Wear contacts?
No,but i wiah i could have worn glasses :(
36. Siblings?
Yup.. One
37. Favourite month?
August... loads of people i know born that month ;)
38.Favourite food?
39. Favourite day of the year?
OL april 1
40. Have you ever been too shy to ask someone out?
Wasnt... will be from now on!
41. Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings!
42. Summer or winter?
Winter... I love the cold , and there's always christmas
43. Holi or Diwali?
Diwali.. Holi is too messy for my taste, sorta like an indian mosh pit
44. Do you like your name?
Love it , except when people decide to spell it their way
45. What book/magazine are you reading?
Was reading a bunch of medical thrillers by robin cook... quite disgusted by now, so plan to switch to my vast and comprehensive star trek ebook collection, and now that i can read novels on my cellphone ....BWAHAHAHAHA!
46. What's on your mouse pad?
A ferrari F550.but right now, an old diary cover is sitting on top of it... way too smooth!
47. What did you watch on TV last night?
Nothing... watched two movies in the theatre back to back... Pirates of the caribbean: Dead man's chest, and then the hindi Kabhie al vida na kehna, seriously regret doing the latter now !
48. Favourite Smell ?
someone else's burning circuit !
49. Have you ever regretted breaking up with someone?
Never... it was a HUGE relief ;)
50. Most tiresome thing you’ve ever experienced/done?
One kung fu session with poison... was immobilized for days on end

I'd like to thank rockus for his post, which i copied verbatim , with HTML formatting and edited to make this post! :P

6 Responses to “More Tags”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    eh?? there is no good end to a crush, so keep off them like the plague??
    WELL SAID!!!!!! lololol
    i want to change my ID to Maria Elena.
    such beautiful lyrics! :D

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    You are Welcome! :D

    I used to love paneer...one all india tour ended that love affair!

    48. You cruel man!

  3. Anonymous Anonymous 

    @ Niki Chan

    The song is even more beautiful.... let me try upload or email it :)


    Well, that would be the cue for me to step in smugly and tell what went wrong :D

  4. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Dude, you could tag me :-D!

  5. Anonymous Anonymous 

    @ pangu

    sure! ... TAG you're IT

  6. Anonymous Anonymous 

    23. Who do you miss most right now?
    Frantic and Poison... I miss them like hell :(
    8. Are you a daredevil ?
    LOL no... the most daring thing I've ever done was travel on footboard
    If tats defintion of daring, then me is a daredevil!! :D
    35. Wear contacts?
    No,but i wiah i could have worn glasses :(
    48. Favourite Smell ?
    someone else's burning circuit !
    50. Most tiresome thing you’ve ever experienced/done?
    One kung fu session with poison... was immobilized for days on end
    And what abt him?! ;;) :P

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