And then there was none
Published Wednesday, August 23, 2006 by kickassso | E-mail this post
My S8 results Have guaranteed that I'll be the last one to leave , if at all I do , leave trivandrum.I have been reduced to sitting at home and watching my friends and their careers take off while all I can do is retrospect, and retrospect I will post is written as a sort of tribute to all the friendships I've had in college, and some of the people I've met recently see who's gone and who's left...
Ashok C2)
Shyam SK3)
Aravind V4)
Arun A5)
Govind Dutt6)
Parvathi S7)
Anjana MM8) Divya H
1) Ashok.... The dude I've known the longest.......
We've known each other since LKG! The proverbial start was an eraser which ashok apparently lost, and I found. He vowed to be my friend in return, and so far hasn't gone back on it! There have been rifts and ,mending,but this one dude is the one who has been with me through thick and thin altruist to the core,we share a lot of interests, not to mention values :)
2) Shyam , Ze bunny man.. I met him as Ashok's classmate, and as govind's Ex classmate.I dont exactly recall when or where exactly I met him... but now it seems as if we've been friends forever.The weirdest thing about shyam was that he was absolutely normal! All my friends , including me have some weird personality quirks! stragely though.. .shyam seems to have none (hey wait... mebbe he does a good job hiding it :P)Otherwise the dude's the proverbial nice guy, and one of them dedicated bikers(despite being stuck with a unicorn that tops out at 100)(EDIT: I Just heard from the man... He's putting in a K&N air filter... that should make his ride good for another 50Km/hr!)
3)Arun and Aravind THE DUDE! we first met in s3, during the organizing of the first QUEST we were involved in... then and there we knew that we were gonna get on famously. besides the organizing bit, he knew his way around circuits, and THAT was a big plus. we sorta drifted apart during s4, but were back in full form in s5, during the industrial visit... ESPECIALLY the industrial visit. many projects and enterprises later ... which brings into view ARUN ... or Ayypan as we all know him ( aravind also has his own nick .. which i shall refrain from mentioning HINT : It has the same spelling as mallu for Elder brother, but diff pronounciation )We three have been through two projects, and one event together. We've done it all on our own, and we couldnt have done it without each other.Our exploits together would go on and on... Including eating contests,sub 30 minute lab exams , teachers going ^:)^, late night soldering sessions, Chat-sleep- solder cycles at our project development HQ,All those burn hands and feet, blown up soldering irons , bown up fuses, victory dances at midnight,brainstorming sessions for organizing quest, content making , planning , design all done sitting in gandhi park in east fort(god I'm gonna miss those ) those times we've cut class to do more productive things , the time we showed Malena at our College film club to rave reviews, our futile pursuits at starting an organization, RFID, the Kinematic intuitive control Interface, the speakers and amp we made together, the demo we had at CET, and the peeople going OOOH!,All that food we ate in the name of R&D.. all the people we met to market quest, and you two going off to b'lore ,and loads more ....
the more i think of these , the more i wish i could have been with you guys right now so no more :(
5) Govind Dutt. We first met during 8th standard, where we (along with ashok)first formed a three letter organization which we had a lot of fun running , and officially sponsoring many fights, and all the controversy we raked up, all the friends and enemies we made... he left sarvodaya only to later meet at SCT.I still remain indebted to him for talking me into cancelling my CET AE higher option.. I might have not had all these back papers if i'd gone to CET, but i wouldnt have been writing this blog then would I? btw, for those who dont know him , he be a hardware GOD(he has configured the systems of most people i know ) as well as being an L337 gamer!he has his limitations , ,As a human being, I've been his agony, er Uncle? on several occasions , but the dude is, as he said about me in his autograph, a good man :)
How we came to meet each other is a very funny ( but at the same time , very embarassing) story. suffice to say it involves time classes and some very bored back benchers and my deficient powers of observation. I found out about her through her (sadly now defunct) blog. She is rather elusive ... in real life, online , and elsewhere . I'm all the worse off for it :(. I still remember the time i coaxed her into a partial return to blogging , and got a huge treat as a result :D. it took three guys eating full time to finish it off !
7) Anjana
we met somewhere during third semester, introduced to each other by a classmate "who shall not be named " ;) . I immediately sorta took a linking , mostly because she shared my taste in music, and more importantly, cos her dad worked for panasonic:D. It's something every audio geek aspires too! She's a cynomaniac ( go find out what it means:D).The defining thing is that she seems to be among the very few level headed gals in class.I've had my share of problems , especially with the two TCS blog posts which she made me take down(Grrr!). But i guess things work out for the best , she's left for tcs training ,which thankfully is in TVM
I met her through her blog as well.. and got along nicely .. but the real test came when me and aravind were trying to pull off quest , and she accepted graciously to come and sit as guinea pigs for the seminars , and not only that participate too!.She's very much a night prowler, and since my nightbird days are behind me , our busy schedules dont intersect as much! but nowadays , liberated with a license to text, she is the only one who is within arms reach of my 300 character ramblings!
Though i very much appreciate the fact that she's helped me make it through this time
I could go on and on about her, but i very much need to finish this before she, too goes. So there. Thats it! :)
Honourable mentions
Of course , this would be incomplete if i forget to mention people like magneta, balaji, santosh, teenu, johnson, dinup, and a load of others, but the more i think about you guys , the sadder i become... so the reminiscing has to stop... so there
>:d< What more should I say man.
My dear Agony Uncle,
I guess it will please u when I say that I have finally grown enough not to require your esteemed advice in moments of dire need. :D ;)
Enjoy your last days of unemployment man. Soon, the tide will carry u too into the depths of working class hell. :P
I have been waiting for this post for soooo long now!
>:D<.....thank u soooo much!
N dont think u hav got rid of me this soon........i am goin to continue to haunt tvm till 2007,at d least! :D
Have fun.....i am suddenly realisin tat i wont have this free time again..........for a long time!!:)
PS: all d best with d driving test! heres to d perfect 8! :D